Normal life…interrupted

You know I talked the other week about the universe slowing me down?

Interestingly it’s mainly been on certain projects…until now!  

This week I’ve had a poorly pooch. My little dog is an old girl – she’s 16 now so any illness is potentially very bad news. 

Fortunately at this point, there’s no devastating news. But between vet visits, a very fretful dog, late night/early morning trips to the garden (3-4 am), early morning cleanups of poorliness, and lack of sleep from worry, this week hasn’t been my most productive. 

Ordinarily, I’d get agitated about this, thinking I’ve got to do this and that and the other thing.  But this time, I’ve been a bit more relaxed.

I’ve done a bit. I’ve done what I have the bandwidth and brain power for (not a lot).  

I’ve actually done a few really dull tasks that always get left – scanning, putting articles on the blog, stuff like that. 

But I haven’t tried to do normal work-loads. Because, frankly my dog is far more important to me than work.  And if I did manage to force myself to work, I suspect my output wouldn’t be great. 

 I’m just going with it. Enjoying the progress on dull tasks. Accepting that I get 20 minutes at a time before the fretful hound needs me to give her some time. Letting normal life be interrupted. 

It won’t be forever.  

So if you, too, have stuff in life that is interrupting your normal routine, here are my top 3 tips: 

1. Self-care 

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you won’t be surprised at this at all. When life throws curve balls in your direction, you need to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Especially if your sleep is interrupted too – make sure you’re getting what you need to function as well as you can. 

2. Honour your energy 

I’ve lost count of the number of times I see clients and friends drive themselves into the ground by ignoring their energy levels completely. If you have stuff going on in life, you need your energy. Pay attention to when you’re running on empty, make sure you’re replenishing your energy, and honour the level of energy you have. 

For example, if you are running on empty, don’t try to do everything you’d normally do. Nervous breakdowns, adrenal fatigue, and exhaustion aren’t fun. So don’t slave-drive yourself into those states.

 3. Do what you can with what you have.

No more. I know you are very busy and important and have stuff to do. But most of it will wait. Unless it is life or death, do what you can with what you have. No more. Let things slide off your toodle do list. Allow yourself to be slowed down. Trust that you’ll get back to normal when you can. 

Right, I need to go and check on the fretful pooch.


