My vision 2019

My Vision for 2019

I have come up with my vision statement for this year….drumroll, please…

I dance through life with confidence, ease, and joy.

Isn’t it delicious? I love it. It’s not what I expected my vision to be for this year. I expected something to do with space and calm and peace – those were the words that came up over and over when I was asking myself what I wanted.

But it feels so good. It feels right to me. And there lies the problem with pre-conceived ideas and hastily thought up goals. They don’t get to the heart of what you really want for your life.

If I’d hastily thought up goals for this year, I’d probably have come up with things like:

– sell 1000 books a month
– Be fit and healthy
– Clear my credit cards

All of which I’d be happy to have and do.

BUT. What I really want is to dance (carefree) through life with confidence (self-belief), ease (peace/calm) and joy.

(The words in brackets are the unsaid parts of the vision statement – what those words evoke and mean to me.)

Whether I sell books or not.

Whether I am fit or not.

Whether I am credit card debt free or not.

The vision statement doesn’t give me anything specific or measurable or realistic or any of that guff. But it does give me a direction, a guiding light, a touchstone.

I’ve put an alarm on my phone to remind me every morning of this guiding statement. It reminds me every day that this is what I want.

The material stuff is great. But it’s no use if I’m not dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy.

The achievements are great. But they’re no use if I’m not dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy.

The goals are great. But they’re no use if I’m not dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy.

If I’m dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy, everything else that I do and achieve is a bonus. And all that other stuff is just what I hope will bring me to a place of dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy.

So why not just go straight to the heart of the matter and work on dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy rather than messing about with trying to do other things I hope will get me there?

That’s what we normally do – try to get the thing so we can get the feeling from the thing. But if you focus on the feeling – focus on the dancing, the confidence, the ease, the joy, all the other stuff is likely to fall into place.

And even if it doesn’t, you’re still dancing through life with confidence, ease, and joy – it’s a winner whatever happens.

Of course, this vision isn’t set in stone – from prior experience, I know it can and will change over time. I have already changed the order of words twice (honestly, it can make a big difference!). But for now, this vision is what this year is calling from me.

And I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

I hope you are as excited about what 2019 is calling from you. And if you haven’t figured out what you want form 2019 yet, the first article linked below will take you to an overview of the process I go through, or you can get the full course (including audios, worksheets, and transcripts) for yourself here.

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