Are you ignoring your energy?

One of the biggest problems with energy that I see with myself, friends and clients is that we ignore our energy in favour of what we plan to do, need to do, want to do. We push through, force ourselves forward, burn the candle at both ends and in the middle, and generally take little notice of what the energy is telling us.  

There are times of course when you just have to crack on with what you need to do – feed the kids, go to work, get on with the daily business of living. But the problem with paying zero attention to your energy (and the energy of the world) is that you end up burning out. 

I did this for many years – I would ignore how I was feeling and just carry on regardless with what I had planned to do.  

Then I wondered why I was constantly ill, constantly exhausted, and in the end my energy got so low that I could barely get out of bed. I don’t know if my pathological inattention to looking after my energy contributed to me getting MS, but I am certain that it didn’t help me deal with it and live with it. 

When you run on adrenaline for too long, stressed and shattered, your body will eventually wear out.  And all for the want of paying a bit of attention to your energy and noticing if you need to rest, refuel or manage your energy. 

It is not good enough to simply top up to ‘just enough’ when you absolutely have to. You, your body and your life deserve better than that. 

So, just for today, pay attention to your energy. Are you full of beans or ready to lie flat on the floor in exhaustion? What does your energy need right now? Do you need rest, replenishing, refueling? What gives you energy? Do some of that today. 

Check in too with the energy of the world. Is the world feeling slow and sluggish or is spring in the air? The energy of the world around you will affect your energy – whatever is going on in your life, your work, your country. Even the weather. 

Here, we have stormy weather – it’s definitely the type of weather for being under the duvet, resting, staying in. That, plus 4 hours sleep last night, is not helping my energy be high. So I’m taking it nice and easy today – dancing for a few minutes every hour or so to raise my energy, but also noticing when I need a rest to replenish more than a dance to re-energise. 

What’s going on energetically with you today and what will you do to honour that energy instead of ignoring it?

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