Are you doing the homework?

As I was pondering what to write today (which looked a lot like procrastinating!), I got to thinking about what a good student I am. 

Not for school or course work – I procrastinate that forever and then force myself to do it at the last minute. But for personal development stuff.

I started reading the Joy Diet a couple of weeks ago, which has 10 practices that you’re meant to put in place over 10 weeks. I had no intention of doing this, I was just going to read the book and see what I picked up.

Practice number one is to do nothing for 15 minutes a day. I’ve found myself doing that. Not every day. But maybe 10 days out of 14 I’ve sat and done nothing.

This past week I’ve also been doing the second practice (a moment of truth). And soon, I’m sure, I’ll start adding the next practices in. Probably not weekly, but as and when the others have bedded in, I’m positive I’ll do more. 

Partly because I’m a good student. But also because I am noticing results already – 15 minutes of nothing is sometimes so hard to take time for, but when I do it I am noticeably calmer and I’m getting insights about my life. 

Not necessarily in those 15 minutes of nothing; sometimes a thought will occur to me later in the day that I know is because I gave my brain a break for a bit.  

And today that insight (which came in minute 14!) was that you have to do the homework to see the results. 

Now, you may be thinking ‘well, duh!’ Of course! But are you doing the homework? Are you doing the thing that will make your life better? Are you taking the time to make a habit of something you know will help you to enjoy your life more? 

For many of us, the answer will be no. Because we’re busy. Because there is other stuff to do. Because we’re afraid of seeming selfish. Because we don’t deserve to rest. Because we’re afraid to stop. 

Maybe because when we try to make a life change, we go gung-ho at it and take on way too much, then burn out within weeks.  

Maybe we tried, but then we missed a day and never re-started.  

Maybe we tried, but didn’t see any results in the 3 days we practiced, so we dropped the practice altogether. 

I’ve used all of those excuses. And more. But nowadays I’m a good student. I do the homework.

I take the time to set myself up for success with a practice – with reminders because I’m a scatterbrain, with planning to see when is a good time for me to do the practice, with some forethought of what will get in the way. 

And I see the results quickly, because I listen to myself – I’m always noticing the feedback of my body, mind, heart and soul. 

It’s why I’m such a fan of a daily practice, because if you make something a daily habit, for, say, a month, it’s easier to stick to it. It’s just one practice for just one month. 

Much easier than “I’m going to meditate and exercise and journal and laugh and have fun and eat well and drink water EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE… OR ELSE!” 

So what one practice would you love to add to your life? 

What do you think would make a big difference to how good you feel? (I’m talking daily practices, like yoga, meditation, journalling, not jacking in your job and running off to live on a beach.) 

Can you commit to the practice? Can you be a good student and do the homework?

Because it’s only by doing the work that you will feel the benefits. 

Hey, I’m not here to nag you! I don’t want to make you feel bad or guilty. It makes no difference to me if you do your homework, but I know it will make a difference to you. 

It will be worth the time you take to make your life better, I promise. So please, do your homework – and remember my golden rules: let it be easy and make it fun! 

If you need some help to decide what to do or how to make it easy and fun, get in touch, I’ll be happy to help you to create a daily practice that feels good to you.

And in the ‘Fall in Love With Life‘ facebook group (e-mail subscription is also available) we have a new daily practice every month to help us fall in love with life and feel good. Come and join us!

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