Appreciate your body

I woke up in the early hours the other morning, with my bladder telling me it was time to go for a pee.

And I had a sudden wave of gratitude for my bladder, which does a lot of work on my behalf, with no thanks, no appreciation, and mostly without being noticed at all.

Isn’t that always the way though? We don’t notice all the miraculous and wonderful things our body does for us…until it stops doing those things.

Like when I had tendonitis in my shoulder. I have never been so grateful for all the things my right arm did for me than when I couldn’t do them.

I couldn’t make a sandwich, brush my teeth, wash my hair, write, lift anything, scratch my nose. Boy, did I appreciate my right arm at that stage!

And when I have a cold, I suddenly appreciate my nose and a clear airway, and you know…breathing!

So for today, just take a moment to aprpeciate your body – give it some love and gratitude for all of things it does for you – all those things that you would really miss if they were gone!

Give some appreciation to the lungs that breathe, to the digestive system that processes your food and drink, to the feet that take your weight all day, to the backside that provides a comfy (and in my case, nicely cushioned) seat, to the hands that do so much all day long, to the eyes that see, to the ears that hear…just take some time to enjoy your body.

It is a miraculous organism and it deserves so much more attention and cherishing than it normally receives.
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