Worry checklist

Worry Checklist

Worry is one of the biggest wastes of time there is, and unlike many other wastes of time (tv, the internet, housework) there is no reward, no fun, no point at all! And yet we all do it, so I thought I would share with you my Worry Checklist:

So, here’s a ‘check list’ for when you are worrying:

1. What can I do about it right now? If there is something, do it and stop worrying. If nothing, go to number 2.

2. What can I do about it later? If there is something, plan to do it and stop worrying. If nothing, go to number

3. What can I do about it tomorrow? If there is something, plan to do it and stop worrying. If nothing, go to number 4.

4. What can I do about it ever? If there is something, plan to do it and stop worrying. If nothing, go to number 5.

5. There is nothing I can do about this thing. Will I even give a shit in a year’s time? If not, stop worrying! If yes, go to number 6.

6. What do I want to happen? Focus on that. Eg if I am worried about a bill, I will say “I see this bill paid off with ease”; if I am worried about a person, I will say “I see this person healthy, happy, calm” or whatever. Rather than mull over what might go wrong, what might have gone wrong and what might be wrong right now, say it as you want to see it and mull over that for a few minutes instead.

7. Last step in the worry checklist is to call on spirit (God, Goddess, Angels, the Universe, your higher self) for help to let go of worrying. My favourite statement (this month!) is “No matter how things look, I know the universe/god/whatever has it all under control. I release this to you universe/god/whatever to deal with as I know you’ll do a better job than I could do.” I always feel better then…although if I’m really worrying, I might repeat this a few (hundred) times!

Let me know if it works for you.







2 responses to “Worry Checklist”

  1. Donna avatar

    You’re welcome! Glad it’s helpful. xx

  2. Zara avatar

    Thanks Donna! This really helps a lot, I am going to print this Worry List off and carry it in my handbag:)