up down

I Go Up Tiddly Up-Up, I Go Down Diddly Down-Down

Has anyone else felt the crazy-assed energy that’s been in the world these past weeks? I do not know what is going on (I’ve heard theories that it’s something to do with a comet and the moon; that it’s the struggle of releasing winter; that world events have caused personal earthquakes). All I know is that I’ve been up and down like a fecking yo-yo.

One day I’m excited, happy, feeling awesome about life and my dreams and everything’s coming up roses. The next day I want to crawl into bed, pull the duvet over my head, cry myself to sleep and not get up til I feel better (or the world’s energy is less crazy-ass…most of the empathic people I know are also feeling very up and down which makes me think it’s not just me.)

I was utterly reluctant to share this today, because I know that someone reading this will be thinking “wtf? Crazy energy? Crazy woman!” But I know I’m not alone in feeling the crazy of late, I know sharing will help (both others and me) and my intuitive nudge to share it is more like a hammer to my head than a gentle nudge.

I follow my inspiration…even when I really don’t want to.

I’m still navigating this craziness myself…and not with great grace, I have to say! I’m pissed off with being pissed off. I am resisting like crazy the downs (the ups, I just ride and enjoy). So here’s my best advice to me, as well as to you if you’re also feeling the up-tiddly up-ups and down diddly down-downs:

Be gentle with yourself

– don’t compound your bad feeling by giving yourself grief for feeling bad. You feel how you feel…which leads me nicely to…

Allow yourself to feel how you feel.

If you’re sad, cry. If you want to stare into space, stare away. If you are angry, do the angry dance (you have one, right?! If not, think of an angry song and check out the video…that’ll give you some ideas). Trying to pep yourself up or deny how you feel will only paper over the cracks, it won’t make it go away. Let your feelings move through you.

Take excellent care of yourself.

Give your body, mind, heart and soul what they need. Make self-care a top priority. Ideally, self-care is always a priority (life’s just easier when you feel good!), but often self-care falls off the radar, so let these times of upsy downsies remind you to put self-care at the top of your priority list.

Ask for help.

Ask for a hug, or a willing ear to listen to what you’re feeling, or a total distraction from the mood swings. And ask your spiritual team for help – whatever and whoever you believe in – Angels, God, Goddesses, Guides, Ascended Masters, Higher Self, Soul…ask for their help to navigate the stormy waters.

Go deep within.

Meditate. Walk in nature. Give your mind a chance to be still. Imagine a storm raging in the middle of the ocean. On the surface are 20 feet high waves, and all manner of chaos. Up to 5 feet deep the water is churned up, you can’t see a thing. 20 feet deep (or maybe deeper – this is not a scientifically backed up analogy!) all is still. 200 feet deep you would never know there is a storm above. So it is with you. Deep within you, at your core, there is peace, and stillness, and calm. Find that place and find refuge there.

Move your body.

We can get stuck in this icky energy at times. I was this morning – feeling mopy and ropy and feh. I needed to move my body, and move the energy from hunched over, stiff and fed up to standing tall, loosened up and feeling better. My favourite way to do this is to dance. I also do yoga, walk in nature, and sometimes just shake off that icky energy (like a wet dog!) Move your body in your favourite way to let go of that down low energy.

Get the balance right between honouring how you feel and feeling better.

There’s no point slapping a happy face sticker on an empty fuel guage, and you also don’t want to wallow in your bad feeling. So honour how you feel, then follow your feel good. It might feel good to feel your feelings, it might feel good to feel better, going up through the gears from sad to less sad to OK to happy to joyful. Going up through the gears means you’re less likely to stall – trying to go from feeling shit to feeling full of joie de vivre in one fell swoop is hard work, a step too far, and likely to be fleeting and encourage the wild swings of feeling.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Quit fighting the low.

This one is for me! I have never been great at embracing lows, ebbs, slow times. I resist and fight and exhaust myself in the process. It never helps. When I am able to chill out and just accept that this tiredness, or sadness, or low energy is here (it is whether I accept it or not), the experience is less of a trial! Not fighting doesn’t mean ‘giving in’, it means ‘working through’ which, ironically, is the fastest way out.

I sincerely hope that the planetary influences chill out, that spring emerges from winter soon, that world events become peace, love, joy and harmony (or at the very least, the madness calms down), but just in case they don’t, I’ve at least now got some ideas on how to navigate the choppy waters with a little more grace! I hope that you do too.

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