time for renewal and connection

Taking Time For Renewal and Connection

Happy August beautiful! What wonderful plans do you have for this month? Are you off with the kids? Are you taking it easy? Are you having a bit of a pull-back from your dreams?

I am…kinda. I always find that my energy is not really in ‘doing’ in August – it’s a big holiday month in the UK and I seem to pick up the holiday energy and just don’t want to do anything! And this year, I’ve just completed a BIG project – releasing the Beach Cards…which involved a TON of ‘doing’.

And a friend, fellow coach and master soul last week reminded me that making sales (and Big Dreams come true) is more about energetics than it is about ‘doing’. So this month I’m having a 70% month. Where I’ll work and ‘do’ at 70% capacity…but the rest of the time, I’ll be filling up and re-energising and meditating and connecting and doing that energetic work on my dream.

So what do I mean by the ‘energetic work’? I mean the dreaming, the connection to source, the meditating, the mulling and pondering, the creating space, the filling up, the time to hear the calls of what wants to be created next, the pause to allow myself to settle and be ready for the next creative phase, the space to listen to my spiritual team.

When you do this, when you connect to source, to creative energy, to your highest self, to you at your very best, you allow inspired action ideas to come to you.

When you fill up, when you love yourself fully, when you re-energise and re-fuel, you have all the energy you need to dance through to the next phase of your dream.

It’s a different way of working than ‘pushing through’, ‘taking huge action’, ‘depleting yourself’ and giving yourself a nervous breakdown in the pursuit of your Big Dreams.

Fun as that all is…

if your heart yearns for more time for renewal and connection, join me. Make August a month of re-energising, of filling up, of following your feel good, of going with the flow, of connecting to the creative energy. And just see what gets done with no stress or push.

(Last time I did this in earnest, I got more done in less time than I had in the previous 2 months together….one might ask why I stopped working this way…I have no answer that makes any sense at all!)

You may not have the space to cut back your work to spend 30% of your time on the energetics, and that’s OK. That’s just what I’ve decided to do. If you are craving any of this space or time or renewal or filling up, take 5 minutes to meditate on it.

You don’t have to sit in lotus position and ‘om’…unless you want to. Meditation is simply giving yourself the space to hear your inner wisdom. So if you don’t meditate, go sit in the park, or stare out of the window and ponder…how can you give yourself some time and space for the energetic work this month? What moments can you steal for connection and renewal?

Whatever’s right for you…that’s what you do. If it’s more than you do now, it’s a win. The 70/30 balance is just what works for me this month – it’s not the ‘right’ balance (the energetics are more important than the ‘doing’)…but it’ll be a significant improvement for me, and it feels right.

Lets make this a month of doing Big Dream stuff in a new way – in a nurturing, kind, loving, easy, connected, relaxed way. Just for fun!

UPDATE: I posted this at the start of August…within a week I had been inspired to create a course that had been shelved in 2007!!! Sometimes when you pull back, you get the inspiration to do something totally unexpected!! (and I did manage to create the course in a more relaxed, letting it be easy, and keeping time for the energetics way).

Love Donna Blue 300px

PS This post first appeared in the Dynamic Dreamers facebook group – my free group for women with Big Dreams to share their dreams, get support and celebrate successes. Join us here and share your month of renewal and connection.

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