Tag: self-esteem

  • 5 Tips For Building Your Self-Worth

    5 Tips For Building Your Self-Worth

    So many of us have low self-esteem, a super low opinion of ourselves and self-worth that allows us to treat ourselves with disdain and thoughtlessness. Think about it – how many people do you know that treat themselves really well? Who prioritise their self-care, don’t put up with bs, honour their body, mind, heart and…

  • OnTheBeach:  14 Lessons From Ye Meltdowne

    OnTheBeach: 14 Lessons From Ye Meltdowne

    Oh joy! Rapture! I am no longer cuddling rock bottom! Phew. It’s been an interesting time, lemme tell ya. Ok, I’ll be honest, it frigging sucked! Meltdowns do suck. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. But, once they’re over, and the goldfish memory starts to kick in and erase the pain and awfulness…

  • Oh Lord, It’s Hard To Be Humble…

    I woke up the other day with this song flying around my head – for about the first hour of the day I found myself singing ‘oh lord, it’s hard to be humble…when you’re perfect in every way…’ Most peculiar as I NEVER listen to this song. I don’t own it, I haven’t heard it…

  • Bitch-Slapping Versus Back-Slapping

    So when was the last time you praised yourself? When did you last shout about your achievements? When did you last give yourself a big slap on the back for a job or a life well done? Seriously, when was the last time? And when was the last time you gave yourself grief for getting…