Tag: pushing yourself

  • Is Your Inner Drill Sergeant or Your Inner Wise Self in Charge?

    Is Your Inner Drill Sergeant or Your Inner Wise Self in Charge?

    Do you ever find yourself infighting within yourself between your Inner Drill Sergeant – go, go, do, do, get shit done, nose to the grindstone, sleeping’s cheating – and your inner wise self – connected, wise, loving, calm, peaceful. Inner Drill Sergeant wants you to get on with stuff, regardless of how you feel or…

  • OnTheBeach – Push, Push, Push

    OnTheBeach – Push, Push, Push

    Do you ever get the feeling that you are pushing a stone uphill? Against a herd of bison coming toward you? With your feet tied together? There are times in life when we seem to push and push and push, and yet nothing happens, nothing changes. Apart from our energy level, which visits the basement!…

  • Gotta do More, Gotta Be More

    Remember this poem from ‘Dead Poet’s Society’? “Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling, Gotta do more, gotta be more. Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming, Gotta be more, gotta do more.” I was listening to something today that made me realise how much I have been trying to push myself to ‘more’ – more work, more hours, more focus,…

  • Is Pushing Yourself Good?

    So this week I’ve been a little lacking in enthusiasm for the idea of doing work-type things. Talking to clients is no problem, clearing e-mails goes ok, then I get to the marketing/admin/taxes bit and I’m looking for distractions – twitter, facebook, damson picking, dog-walking, tidying up, even going for a beer with my dad…