Tag: procrastination

  • Are You Ruled By Your To-Do List or Your Intuition?

    Are You Ruled By Your To-Do List or Your Intuition?

    One of my friends is a deeply intuitive, gifted coach. This week she shared on Facebook that after resisting ‘the list’ for a while, when the energy was right, she did everything on that very big list in 2 hours. As I thought about this, I started to laugh…because this is exactly what I do.…

  • If Your Bladder is Full, Go To The Toilet

    If Your Bladder is Full, Go To The Toilet

    There’s a conversation I have with clients fairly often about seeing the signs and using them as a reminder.  Like when your bladder is full, you go to the toilet.  When your fuel guage is low, you go to the garage.  There is no bargaining with the bladder and the fuel tank…you might keep them…

  • OnTheBeach:  Self-Care Is Non-Negotiable

    OnTheBeach: Self-Care Is Non-Negotiable

    So this afternoon I was trying to work myself up to doing this newsletter…and struggling because I am super-tired and really want to sit in front of the fire reading my book. So, in true procrastination genius style, I went wandering off to read some blog posts…and found 2 that I really needed – one…

  • Podcast: When You Get Stuck On Your Big Dream

    Sometimes we get stuck with our Big Dreams…we may blame it on ‘procrastination’, but it may be that we just aren’t quite sure what to do next. Ask yourself “what is the EXACT next step to take towards my Big Dream?” If you don’t know, you’re not procrastinating, you’re stuck. And this is NO BIG…

  • Podcast: Supporting Yourself And Your Big Dream

    How many of us support ourselves fully, 100% of the time? Even when you’re gnarly or grumpy or lazy or procrastinating. Imagine how much easier life would be if you supported yourself 100%. Supporting yourself when you’re doing something ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ is about figuring out what’s behind it all and helping yourself move forward…

  • OnTheBeach – Push, Push, Push

    OnTheBeach – Push, Push, Push

    Do you ever get the feeling that you are pushing a stone uphill? Against a herd of bison coming toward you? With your feet tied together? There are times in life when we seem to push and push and push, and yet nothing happens, nothing changes. Apart from our energy level, which visits the basement!…

  • Busy Doing Nothing

    Here in the UK we’ve had 2 long bank holiday weekends in a row, meaning we had a 4 day working week, followed by a 3 day working week, followed by another 4 day working week this week…and I have been tapped into the public mood of HOLIDAY. This song sums up perfectly what I’ve…

  • Overcoming Procrastination

    Procrastination gets a really bad rap, but I believe (like everything) it has a positive side. So if you find yourself procrastinating…check why you’re putting off whatever it is you’re putting off. I believe there are 7 reasons for procrastination: 1, I don’t want to do it 2. I’m not ready to do it 3.…

  • Just Take the First Step

    I am supposed to be doing my tax return today – it’s 20 past 2 and I still haven’t started! Now I could use this as a stick to beat myself up about procrastinating and being rubbish (this should have been done months ago, blah, blah, blah) but really, what’s the point in that? Instead…

  • Is Pushing Yourself Good?

    So this week I’ve been a little lacking in enthusiasm for the idea of doing work-type things. Talking to clients is no problem, clearing e-mails goes ok, then I get to the marketing/admin/taxes bit and I’m looking for distractions – twitter, facebook, damson picking, dog-walking, tidying up, even going for a beer with my dad…