Tag: positive

  • Focus On What’s Good In Your Life

    Focus On What’s Good In Your Life

    It is so tempting to see only what needs fixing in our lives, because there’s always something, right? Life’s never perfect. We are never perfect. There’s always something to change and improve and polish and correct and develop. So why not focus on all those things? The weeds we need to cut back? The problems…

  • OnTheBeach: Are You Sensationalising Your Life?

    Imagine that you are writing the story of your life for a tabloid newspaper – what scandal, gossip and sensationalism can you come up with? How can you exaggerate the things that happen in your life? Are you on the brink of bankruptcy? Is the sky about to fall in? Don’t worry about the truth…

  • Podcast: Getting The Best From Yourself

    Most of us criticise ourselves and are cruel and mean to ourselves to try to get the best from ourselves…but it doesn’t really work that well! To get the best from yourself, you need to take care of yourself, energise yourself, enjoy your life, talk to yourself positively, encourage yourself, support yourself, be good to…

  • A Remarkable Life in a Conventional World

    Yesterday over on Jamie Ridler’s website, Jamie announced a give-away, and to enter, you need share your best tip for “living a remarkable life in a conventional world” in the comments. As I started to write my best tip, I realised there is a whole blog post in it! To live a remarkable life in…

  • Don’t Curse the Dark, Light a Lamp

    Today while working on my daily October practice of Laughter, I came across a video from Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, in which he talked about the ancient Indian wisdom which says ‘don’t curse the dark, light a lamp’. Most of us have a tendency to curse the dark, to complain about…

  • Celebrating March

    It’s the end of the month…what was GREAT about March? What lovely memories do you have of March? What was your favourite thing in March? What are you going to celebrate from this month and what celebrations are you going to do? For me: My celebration is taking myself to the theatre to see some…

  • Flip it on its Head

    Apologies for being late with my newsletter article this week – I was busy yesterday being exceedingly grumpy! Partly hormonal, partly because I cannot bear the cold, the snow, basically I don’t like winter! As far as I’m concerned, bears have the right idea hibernating for the winter. One of my ambitions in life is…

  • Working for the Dark Side

    Do you work on the side of light or on the side of Dark? The light side looks for what’s good, what’s working, what’s enjoyable, what’s fun, what’s right with life. The Dark side does the opposite – it looks for what’s bad, what’s broken, what’s terrible, what’s upsetting, what’s wrong with life. The news…

  • A Mirror to Your Magnificence

    Video: Have you any idea how special you are, and how your gifts are needed in this world? Surround yourself with people who can mirror that magnificence back to you, both by being their magnificence and by being able to see yours. Coaches are delighted to be a mirror for your magnificence, to find out…

  • OnTheBeach – Sensationalise Your Life!

    A note from Donna I’d like to put in a note of gratitude this week for all the people who were very lovely and helpful when my car window got put through – my neighbours, friends, relatives, glass replacement bods, and the police. Everyone was really lovely – and in the case of the glass…