Tag: podcast

  • Podcast:  Getting Moving on Your Big Dream

    Podcast: Getting Moving on Your Big Dream

    We have all sorts of excuses not to get moving on our Big Dreams – it’s not the right time, you’re not confident enough, you’ll do it next week/next year/never! Do what you can with what you have – get moving and keep moving. Take action now! Allow yourself to be a beginner in whatever…

  • Podcast: Time and Your Big Dream

    The most important choice you make is what you choose to make important. What are you making more important than your Big Dream? TV? Surfing the internet? Reading trashy magazines? Are these things more important than your Big Dream? You may also find that you need less time than you think… just 10 minutes every…

  • Dreams To Reality Podcast: Acclimatize Yourself To Your Big Dream

    You’ve found out what your big dream is…now what? Aaaaargh! Don’t worry! Relax. Take the time to acclimatize yourself to your big dream. Give yourself a chance to get used to it, sniff around it, feel how you feel about it, ruminate, consider, and ponder. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Acclimatize Yourself…

  • Podcast: What if I Can’t Have My Big Dream?

    Do you avoid following your Big Dream because you’re afraid of failure or disappointment? Disappointment is not that bad, compared to the aliveness, joy, potential and possibility that you find when you do follow your Big Dreams. Living a life which is crushing your soul is WAY more hurtful than any disappointment. Disappointment is ok…

  • OnTheBeach: Ditching What’s Not Working

    A couple of weeks ago, I finally got the site stats sorted on my ‘other’ website – this is a website I set up specifically for my ebook. The idea was that through this website, I would promote this ebook, and boost sales. Now, I knew this hadn’t worked, because sales had not been boosted…

  • Podcast: Barriers Between You and Your Big Dream

    There are going to be barriers between you and your big dream. But that’s good news (as well as bad news) because now you know they WILL come up, you can just get over it, under it, through it, round it. Another piece of good news is that most barriers look bigger than they really…

  • Podcast: Love and Your Big Dream

    With valentine’s day coming this week, it’s a wonderful time to connect with the love of your Big Dream, and what you love about it – the anticipation, the vision, the qualities it will give you, the joy of the journey etc. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Love and Your Big Dream…

  • Podcast: Big Dream Plan for 2013

    It’s time to start planning for your Big Dream for 2013. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Big Dream Plan for 2013 Homework: To start planning for your Big Dream year, answer these questions: What obstacles do you need to overcome in 2013? What do you need to drop in 2013 to move…

  • Podcast: Learning And Your Big Dream

    Your Big Dream needs you to move out of your comfort zone, to grow, to change, to learn – and if your Dream is a really Big Dream…you are probably going to be at your learning edge a LOT! To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Learning and Your Big Dream Homework: What does…

  • Podcast: Dream Cheerleaders and Your Big Dream

    Dream cheerleaders are those people who pick you up when you are down, who encourage you when you feel like you can’t do it, who break out the champagne when you are celebrating, who believe in you and Your Big Dream. Your cheerleaders give you rocket fuel to help you achieve your Big Dream. To…