Tag: perfectionism

  • Is 70% good enough?

    Is 70% good enough?

    I restarted my morning yoga practice last week (I sleep better when I do yoga)…and I have a 70% success rate. It’s not perfect, it’s not 100%, but frankly, it’s good enough, and it’s certainly better than I was doing before last week. So often when I was younger, I’d commit to something – a…

  • Podcast: Being Perfect and Your Big Dream

      Listen here: Or download to your computer by right clicking here: Being Perfect and Your Big Dream Perfectionism is like putting the brake on your Big Dream. Get comfortable with ‘good enough’ and get yourself into the habit of putting your foot on the accelerator instead and taking action on your Big Dream. Instead…

  • Lies About Your Big Dream

    There are so many things we believe about our Big Dreams that just aren’t so. And most of them do not help us achieve our Big Dreams – most of them keep us stuck. So let’s bust some myths! I can’t do it. Think Barack Obama…YES WE CAN! If you have the seed of a…

  • Striving For Perfection

    Are you striving to be ‘perfect’? Do you insist that you never ever make a mistake, get something wrong, cock up? Will you accept nothing less than perfection from yourself? High expectations are all well and good, but not when they come at the expense of your peace of mind, your love of yourself, your…