Tag: meditate

  • I Go Up Tiddly Up-Up, I Go Down Diddly Down-Down

    I Go Up Tiddly Up-Up, I Go Down Diddly Down-Down

    Has anyone else felt the crazy-assed energy that’s been in the world these past weeks? I do not know what is going on (I’ve heard theories that it’s something to do with a comet and the moon; that it’s the struggle of releasing winter; that world events have caused personal earthquakes). All I know is…

  • 5 Tips To Help You Relax

    5 Tips To Help You Relax

    I was reading an article on Facebook yesterday about Bill Murray, and his attitude to life, and this quote jumped out at me: “The more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with your enemies, the better you are at your…

  • Recovery Time Is Not Just For Operations and Little Old Ladies!

    Recovery Time Is Not Just For Operations and Little Old Ladies!

    I like to make a joke that I am a little old lady (and have been since the age of about 25!) and I need my nap time, rest time and recovery time. In my late twenties I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, and I thought that was why I needed so much recovery time…

  • Video: What To Do When Things Suck

    Watch the video here Working through my lovely Goddess Guidebooks, I loved this exercise to create your list of what to do when things suck! For me, the list is: 1. Change surroundings (leave, or tidy!) 2. Dance 3. Get outside 4. Meditate/Breathe 5. Play with Mollie (my dog) 6. Read a book 7. Laughter…

  • Tips From A Wild Donkey Rider

    Tips From A Wild Donkey Rider

    So last week, I took time out for the first time to Ride Wild Donkeys. In my morning pages, this is what my soul said on day 3: “Thank you for showing up 3 days in a row to Ride Wild Donkeys. Thank you for trusting in your (our) ideas. Thank you for moving forward…