Tag: light

  • Daily Practice Wrap Up: Lighten Up!

    So, did you join in with this month’s Daily Practice? Did you lighten up? What did you notice? Do you feel lighter? I’ll be honest here, I noticed more the darkness, not the light this month! This can sometimes happen when you focus on something new – you notice the opposite of it more. If…

  • February Daily Practice: Lighten Up

    So, I was sat at my desk a few days ago, pondering, mulling, thinking, considering, ruminating, and racking my brains for ‘the right’ Daily Practice for February. These daily practices are super important you know, empires are built on them, lives depend on them…and I couldn’t think of a thing. I have a list of…

  • OnTheBeach:  Lighten Up

    OnTheBeach: Lighten Up

    So last week I told you that when I chilled out about getting stuff done, I got more stuff done. It’s ironic, right? And yet today, again, I’m experiencing the truth of it – as soon as I relaxed about getting this article written (in fact, I’d decided not to write it today!), I started…

  • Oh Lord, It’s Hard To Be Humble…

    I woke up the other day with this song flying around my head – for about the first hour of the day I found myself singing ‘oh lord, it’s hard to be humble…when you’re perfect in every way…’ Most peculiar as I NEVER listen to this song. I don’t own it, I haven’t heard it…

  • A Remarkable Life in a Conventional World

    Yesterday over on Jamie Ridler’s website, Jamie announced a give-away, and to enter, you need share your best tip for “living a remarkable life in a conventional world” in the comments. As I started to write my best tip, I realised there is a whole blog post in it! To live a remarkable life in…

  • OnTheBeach – Revealing Your Natural Radiance

    Imagine this: a person radiating warmth, effervescence, joy, delight. A person glittering, incandescently shining with brilliance. A sparkling example of the stunning beauty of the human soul. Now imagine your face on that radiant body. For some of you, that might be exactly how you appear to the world on a normal day. For most…

  • A Light In The Heart

    “Beauty is not in the face – beauty is a light in the heart.” Kahlil Gibran When the light in your heart is lit, you are beautiful. When you realise just how magnificent you are, you are beautiful. When you accept your genius, your talents, your gifts (yes, you who doesn’t think you have any!),…

  • Don’t Curse the Dark, Light a Lamp

    Today while working on my daily October practice of Laughter, I came across a video from Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, in which he talked about the ancient Indian wisdom which says ‘don’t curse the dark, light a lamp’. Most of us have a tendency to curse the dark, to complain about…

  • What Gifts Do I Wish To Share?

    [caption id="attachment_2452" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption]Wishcasting Wednesday is here again. This week Jamie asks: What Gifts Do I Wish To Share? I wonder if everyone who ponders this question starts the same way as I do? With ‘what gifts do I even have?’ Which, of course, we all do. We all have gifts…but all too…

  • Working for the Dark Side

    Do you work on the side of light or on the side of Dark? The light side looks for what’s good, what’s working, what’s enjoyable, what’s fun, what’s right with life. The Dark side does the opposite – it looks for what’s bad, what’s broken, what’s terrible, what’s upsetting, what’s wrong with life. The news…