Tag: ideas

  • What Is Blocking Your Creative Pipeline?

    What Is Blocking Your Creative Pipeline?

    I do these amazing Creative Catalyst sessions, and I’m endlessly fascinated by how deeply creative people are and also by how deeply creative they don’t think they are! And for most people, the ideas are already there. The problem is that we have all sorts of things that are blocking the creative pipe. Everybody has…

  • The 7 Phases of the Creative Process

    The 7 Phases of the Creative Process

    Last year when I was writing my book, for the first time I noticed that there were definite phases and peaks and troughs in the creative process. (I’ve written a full length book before – back in 2008, but you never seem to notice anything the first time around do you? Or you think it’s…

  • Podcast: You’ve Got What It Takes

    I saw this quote this morning “You’ve got what it takes, but it will take everything you’ve got”. When you give your all, you open the door to more – more creativity, more joy, more ideas, more energy, and you’ve got more to give. It’s awesome! So why wouldn’t we go all in? Here’s a…

  • Podcast: Planning Time and Your Big Dream

    How much time do you spend planning your Big Dream? How much time do you spend thinking about all the actions you could take to make your Big Dream a reality? Or do you just (like me) fly by the seat of your pants and just do things as they occur to you? If you…