Tag: fall in love with life

  • Focus On What’s Good In Your Life

    Focus On What’s Good In Your Life

    It is so tempting to see only what needs fixing in our lives, because there’s always something, right? Life’s never perfect. We are never perfect. There’s always something to change and improve and polish and correct and develop. So why not focus on all those things? The weeds we need to cut back? The problems…

  • OnTheBeach:  10 Lessons From a Shambolic Launch

    OnTheBeach: 10 Lessons From a Shambolic Launch

    At the end of 2013, I had this amazing idea…to write a book about Falling In Love With Life. It was something that had been hovering in the back of my mind for a while – I had scribbled down a few ideas for it a few years ago, but never really got going with…

  • Win a Free, Signed Copy of My Book

      And the winner is… Judy Williams! Congratulations Judy – check your e-mail – I’ve contacted you for your address, I’ll get the book sent out before the end of the week for you. Enjoy it! To celebrate my birthday, I am giving away a free copy of my book “Fall in Love With Life”…

  • 10 Lessons From The Forevaaaaah Process of Getting My Book Out in The World

    10 Lessons From The Forevaaaaah Process of Getting My Book Out in The World

    As you may know, I’ve just released the print version of my book “Fall in Love With Life“. The process seemed to take forevaaaaaaaaaaaah…and this is the article I wrote 7 weeks into the editing process. Oh. My. God. This process is taking FOREVAAAAAAAAH. I finished the book on August 6th. And I haven’t even…

  • Woohoo! Fall in Love With Life ‘Real’ Book Now Available on Amazon

    HAPPY DANCE! The long-awaited physical copy of Fall in Love With Life is now up and ready on Amazon (UK and US) It’s been emotional! Actually, it’s taken 2 months longer than I expected…mostly because I just didn’t take into account the fact that I’d need to wait for the physical proof copy to get…

  • Guest Post: How To Inhabit Your Joy by Zoe Foster

    To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Zoe Foster of www.rawyogauk.com Here’s Zoe’s take on loving life: I want to dispel a myth about yoga – and meditation…

  • Guest Post: There Are Those Days by Brigid Weinzinger

    To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I inviteda few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Brigid of denktier.com Here’s Brigid’s take on loving life: There are those days. When life sucks. When I wake up. Grumpy. And grumpy…

  • Guest Post: Loving Life Through a Lens by Paula Kumert

    To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome my lovely friend Paula from Buenos Aires. Here’s what Paula had to say about loving life: Life is busy. Sometimes messy,…

  • Guest Post: Fall In Love With Life by Annelise Gould

    To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Annelise of www.annelisesite.wordpress.com Here’s Annelise’s story: It would be one thing to write about falling in love with someone or something.…

  • Guest Post: Falling In Love With Life by Bindiya Aravandekar

    To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Bindiya Aravandekar of www.bindiyaaravandekar.com Here’s Bindiya’s story: Failing health. Crumbling finances. Relationship struggles. Bruised ego. Embarrassed and zero self confidence. This…