Tag: failure

  • What Frequency Are You Tuned Into?

    What Frequency Are You Tuned Into?

    A couple of weeks ago a good family friend died and I’ve been sad. I noticed that when I was sad and tetchy and feeling low, I more easily got to the places of discouragement, feeling like a failure and giving up as well. My Divine Team let me know that this was no coincidence…

  • Obstacle Busting: Failure

    Obstacle Busting: Failure

    People think failure is such a big, scary, horrible monster. It isn’t. It’s just a consequence of trying. We’re all going to fail at some point, if we haven’t already. So we might as well get comfortable with it. “I never lose. Either I win or I learn” – Nelson Mandela Going after success means…

  • Creating Good Habits is Hard Work Too

    Creating Good Habits is Hard Work Too

    There seems to be a perception around that starting good habits is way easier than giving up a bad habit. That just because it’s good for us, or makes us happier, or makes us more calm that should be enough to override the basic human nature of staying with what’s familiar. That comfort zone is…comfortable!…

  • 10 Tips to Recover from Failure

    10 Tips to Recover from Failure

    Failure is part of life. I don’t know anyone who’s succeeded in any field who hasn’t failed in some way. But we all feel as if failure is JUST US! It’s just us who feel the hurt and inadequacy of failure. This is partly because most people don’t share their failures out loud – they…

  • Success is More Than Straight A’s and Trophies

    Success is More Than Straight A’s and Trophies

    I had a funny conversation with a client this week. She was disappointed about not getting an opportunity and felt she’d failed. So far, so understandable, right? But it was an opportunity she didn’t want. To me, not getting the opportunity you didn’t want to get in the first place is the very definition of…

  • The Nuggets of Gold That Pave Your Golden Path to a Joyful Life

    A couple of weeks ago, in my wrap up of the March Daily practice, I talked about treating the things you try as experiment, rather than just assuming you failed if things don’t work out exactly as you planned. After having similar conversations with all of my current coaching clients (plus a few friends, old…

  • OnTheBeach:  Stop Feeling Powerless and Become A Terrier

    OnTheBeach: Stop Feeling Powerless and Become A Terrier

    I was talking to my yoga teacher last night about problem-solving, and how if there’s a problem you try a solution and if that doesn’t work, try something else, and if that doesn’t work, try something else…and so on. My yoga teacher says “yes, you’re a terrier – not everyone is like that!” Really? They…

  • March Daily Practice Wrap Up – Send Your Peeves Packing

    So, it’s the last day of Sending Your Peeves Packing. How did you do? Are you now peeveless? Has everything that has been bugging you for month’s been sorted out? Did you make a list of things that were irritating you and spend the month kicking them into touch? I hope you did…and if you…

  • Podcast: What if I Can’t Have My Big Dream?

    Do you avoid following your Big Dream because you’re afraid of failure or disappointment? Disappointment is not that bad, compared to the aliveness, joy, potential and possibility that you find when you do follow your Big Dreams. Living a life which is crushing your soul is WAY more hurtful than any disappointment. Disappointment is ok…

  • OnTheBeach: Ditching What’s Not Working

    A couple of weeks ago, I finally got the site stats sorted on my ‘other’ website – this is a website I set up specifically for my ebook. The idea was that through this website, I would promote this ebook, and boost sales. Now, I knew this hadn’t worked, because sales had not been boosted…