Tag: ebb

  • Don’t Rush The River

    Don’t Rush The River

    I’ve had a weird year energetically. Everytime I want to be flying forwards with a project, something slows it down. Whether it’s proof copies of books getting lost in the post and delaying book 2 release day by 2 months, or hot weather making me disinclined to create and crack on with writing book 3.…

  • The Contraction After the Expansion

    The Contraction After the Expansion

    There’s a phenomenon that happens just after something amazing happens, or as you’re expanding into a new way of being, where you ‘contract’; where suddenly lots of fear and worry and doubt and stress come up (or you just want to fall on your face with exhaustion and stay there for the foreseeable future!) This…

  • The Ebb is As Important As the Flow

    The Ebb is As Important As the Flow

    I had a very Monday-ish day on Monday. I was tired, and uninspired, and didn’t wanna, and everything was rubbish, and everything went wrong (spilt a glass of water over three…THREE…sets of headphones, wires and all. Sigh. And forgot to take the dog’s bags out so when she did her do, I had to run…

  • The 7 Phases of the Creative Process

    The 7 Phases of the Creative Process

    Last year when I was writing my book, for the first time I noticed that there were definite phases and peaks and troughs in the creative process. (I’ve written a full length book before – back in 2008, but you never seem to notice anything the first time around do you? Or you think it’s…

  • Podcast: Keeping Yourself In Peak State and Your Big Dream

    There is a natural ebb to your flow – staying in Peak State ALL the time is not natural. In order to stay in Peak State as much as possible, you need rest time. Sometimes it’s not a natural ebb, but something getting in the way of your Peak State. I recommend the 3 Pillars:…

  • OnTheBeach:  Embrace Your Ebbs

    OnTheBeach: Embrace Your Ebbs

    As regular readers may know, I do a practice called the morning pages every day. As part of my Morning Pages, I check in with body, mind, heart and soul. On Monday, I was feeling very Monday-ish. I have a to-do list as long as my arm, I’d got a busy week ahead, I really…