Tag: acceptance

  • Let yourself be where you are

    Let yourself be where you are

    My start to the year has been mixed. I’ve made some good progress on those loose ends and outstanding projects I talked about last week. I’ve started some good habits – daily (ish) yoga, some good energy work and self-care. I’m feeling good about 2019 – it feels like a good year. But. There’s something…

  • Self-Love and The Longest Winter

    Self-Love and The Longest Winter

    It’s been a bloody long winter here in the UK. We don’t normally get bad winters here – we usually get a cold snap, but also some mild months. This year it’s been fecking cold all the way through…and another cold ‘snap’ is settling in now, bringing snow and brass monkey temperatures. You may have…

  • When Your Castle in the Air is Left in Ruins

    When Your Castle in the Air is Left in Ruins

    Sometimes something happens that seems to take the legs from under you, sends a hurricane through the beautiful dream castle in the air that you’re building and leaves it in ruins on the ground. It may be a failure, a disappointment…or even just the memory of something that didn’t work out as you wanted it…

  • Finishing a Project Takes Time Whether You Like it or Not

    Finishing a Project Takes Time Whether You Like it or Not

    I had a bit of a smackdown from my soul last week. Every day I check in with mind, body, heart and soul in my morning pages to see what my inner wisdom is sharing with me. Last week I had been moaning about the fact that the final bit of my Create a Life…

  • Can You Sit With the Resistance?

    Can You Sit With the Resistance?

    I don’t know what to write today. Often, I am overflowing with ideas I want to share, but today, there is a blank space where my inspiration should be. But I’m trusting that the lack of inspiration is where the inspiration is today – or that it’s where I need to be. I can tell…