Podcast: What Do You Really Want?

Podcast img 2013We often say we want one thing, say a million pounds, but what we really want is to give up our day job and go and live on the Costa Del Sol. Rather than focusing on what you think might get you what you really want, why not focus on what you REALLY want? Sometimes you find that what you really want is easier to get than what you thought your Big Dream was. Sometimes you find that you can start to LIVE what you really want now, today, rather than waiting

Listen to this week’s podcast here:

What do you REALLY want
(or to download to your computer, right click on the link above and ‘save link as’ or ‘save target as’)
What do you REALLY want? What is underneath your Big Dream? Why do you want your Big Dream? Keep asking why until you find the thing you REALLY want.

May all your dreams become reality.

