My Word of the Year 2016…ALLOW

This, it appears, will be the year to allow…

For the last few years, my word of the year has chosen me. In the past, I chose a word – something like fun, abundance, creativity, joy…something I wanted to activate in my life. But in recent years, a word has jumped out at me – often a word I wouldn’t choose, a word I have a curious relationship with (like 2015’s word, peace), a word that will challenge me. This year, the words jumping out at me were things like discipline, moderation, patience…I didn’t like any of them.

…And then I was clearing my e-mails and the word jumped out at me…


Now, if you know me, you’ll know that I prefer to create than allow. I am more about doing than receiving. I can allow some things – allowing myself to follow my inspiration, allowing myself to follow my dreams, allowing myself to sleep when I’m tired…but other things I don’t allow. Illness. Things taking longer than I want them to. Relinquishing control. Changes to my plans. Not that I’m a control freak or anything. Ahem.

Honestly, I can allow sometimes. Sometimes I just allow what is to be. I flow with the energy. And I notice how good it feels not to resist what I feel like doing, instead of wading through treacle and trying to do what I planned to do. Allowing myself to be in flow is great, it works well, it feels good when I trust myself. But then I’ll get a plan or a deadline in my head, white line fever takes over, and I ignore how I feel in pursuit of getting ‘er done. Sigh.

So having a year to explore allowing feels like a challenge – to release the reins, to open up, to really follow the flow instead of paying lip service to it, to let go of being a massive control freak. To accept what is happening in my life without resistance and struggle. To give myself permission to be at ease with whatever is going on. To allow life to unfold with grace and ease.

Already this word is kicking my ass. The first thing I’ve had to allow is illness and the amount of time it takes to recover (too damn long!). I came down with a bad cold which induced a very bad (4 day long) migraine just after Christmas so the year began with me walking around the house in my shades, watching Harry Potter movies with the brightness down and sleeping, or trying to. You can imagine how much I wanted to resist this start to the year, but my word of the year pulled me back…

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I can tell, this year is going to be no picnic…but if I can allow, it will teach me to let life be easier. I’m looking forward to it!

What word is calling you to explore its deepest meanings and its impact on your life this year?

Love Donna Blue 300px

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2 responses to “My Word of the Year 2016…ALLOW”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    Hey Karen – I’m so sorry, I only just spotted your comment! Ooh, I love your words for this year. And I lol’d about Allow being your hindsight word for last year – it seems such an innocuous word doesn’t it, but NO, it’s a demon! 😀 How are recognize, remember and re-al’ify treating you this year? xx

  2. Karen J avatar

    Hey, Donna!
    “Allow” coulda been my word for *last year* – so much that I had to simply let happen, because *fighting it* only made it worse! But, yaknow, I didn’t see that in January… 20/20 hindsight!

    This year’s Word(s) are
    * Recognize
    * Remember
    * Re-al’ify … in that order!
    – Recognize. Because there are so many tiny-bits of facts and theories and “maybe this’ll help”s that, once ya can see ’em clearly, give everything a different shape or color or taste.
    – Remember. That new lens ^ has to be used over and over again, ’til ya get in the habit of it.
    – Re-al’ify – Take the tiny steps, make the tiny changes to bring those Recognitions into my life.