Is Pushing Yourself Good?

So this week I’ve been a little lacking in enthusiasm for the idea of doing work-type things. Talking to clients is no problem, clearing e-mails goes ok, then I get to the marketing/admin/taxes bit and I’m looking for distractions – twitter, facebook, damson picking, dog-walking, tidying up, even going for a beer with my dad on his day off! I thought it was because I was tired the last couple of days so I didn’t really stress about it. But I’m not tired today…and I’m still not that enthused! Hmm.

Now our usual response to this is to just push ourselves to carry on and ‘do’ something, anything, busy-work. I am in the lucky position of working for myself so I don’t have to ‘push’…and I notice that if I do, I still don’t get anything done anyway!! At least nothing usable! I write stuff that’s rubbish and doesn’t get used, it takes 12 times as long to complete any task, and it’s accompanied by lots of aggravated sighing! Lol.

Pointless, I think you will agree. So I’ve just been thinking ‘what would be a better plan?’ Because that’s just a waste of time. Especially as when I am enthused I can get 5 times more done in less time. So I asked myself what would I like to do right now. And it’s not sit at my desk (funnily enough!). See I think, rather than ‘push’ myself, if I can bring myself into enthusiasm by doing something I actually want to do, I’ll get more done.

It will also be more enjoyable. I know that some of us don’t have the luxury of doing whatever we want whenever we want (and if I could, I’d be on a beach in the caribbean!), but we can look at our reluctance to ‘do’ with less judgemental eyes, and just see if there’s a better way. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take my tax paperwork, my Bob Marley CD and myself outside in the sunshine!




