Category: Articles

  • Keep Calm and Carry On

    Keep Calm and Carry On

    I am rubbing up against frustration at a disrupted week (again). So there was that week when the dog was ill, I didn’t get much work done. Then there was the week when I got stung by a bee and lost a day and a half thanks to being roofied by antihistamines.  And this week, yet…

  • Are you willing to stick to a task ’til completion

    Are you willing to stick to a task ’til completion

    I’ve been working on an editing project for my first book – I planned to do a promotion early this year and while checking for minor edits, I found a few old bad writing habits I wanted to correct.  So a quick check of the book turned into 2 months (so far) of editing!   I…

  • Are you ignoring your energy?

    Are you ignoring your energy?

    One of the biggest problems with energy that I see with myself, friends and clients is that we ignore our energy in favour of what we plan to do, need to do, want to do. We push through, force ourselves forward, burn the candle at both ends and in the middle, and generally take little notice…

  • Give something up or start something new?

    Give something up or start something new?

    Lent begins today. Is this something you observe? I have, for years. I am not particularly religious, but Lent was always a good cue to give something up.  However, over the past few years, giving up things has fallen out of favour for me. I have come to realise that deprivation is not the best…

  • What is Self-Love anyway?

    What is Self-Love anyway?

    Happy Valentine’s Day. Are you surrounded by bears and chocolate and flowers for Valentine’s Day or are you ignoring it completely? As a single woman, I don’t take a lot of notice of Valentine’s Day, but as a coach, Valentine’s Day always strikes me as a great time to think about Self-Love. Yes it is…

  • Let yourself be where you are

    Let yourself be where you are

    My start to the year has been mixed. I’ve made some good progress on those loose ends and outstanding projects I talked about last week. I’ve started some good habits – daily (ish) yoga, some good energy work and self-care. I’m feeling good about 2019 – it feels like a good year. But. There’s something…

  • Loose ends and outstanding projects

    Loose ends and outstanding projects

    I’ve been in a bit of an ebb, a bit of a low. Partly because it’s cold. I am not a fan of the cold. Partly because I had decided at the start of the year to complete a few loose ends and outstanding projects before I crack on with book 3… …And it’s now…

  • 4 steps to creating and living your vision for your life

    4 steps to creating and living your vision for your life

    I’ve had some great feedback from people working their way through my “Create and Live Your Vision” process. I am having some fun with it too – I did my perfect day exercise yesterday (what does your perfect day look like?) and really enjoyed bullet pointing some stuff that I’d love to happen on my…

  • Celebrate Your Small Wins

    Celebrate Your Small Wins

    We’re galloping at speed towards the end of the year, and there’s a lot of stuff around right now about counting up your accomplishments for the year. Which is awesome if you’re a high-flying, goal-achieving superstar. But for most people I know, they don’t feel like they’ve done much this year. They have. But you…

  • If Busyness is Taking Over Your Life

    If Busyness is Taking Over Your Life

    I’m experimenting with something new this year – upping my levels of relaxation, joy and self-care at the end of the year. Normally from October onwards, it’s always forward momentum – I’m usually trying to finish a project, release a book, or pack a ridiculous amount of work into a short space of time. As…