Category: Recommendations

  • Totally Awesome

    I absolutely adore this guy – I love his first book, and I have bought it for a few friends, now it’s time for Even More Awesome! Check him out on the Today Show: Awesome! If you want a daily ray of sunshine in your life, check out Neil’s blog at Enjoy! Love…

  • 7 Spiritual Laws of Success

    It’s a while since I’ve done a recommendation, but this book (and the DVD that I got last week) has prompted (or synchronistically coincided with…) quite a shift for me. The link I’ve put here is for a little pocketbook version – there may be fuller versions if you like lots of information. I must…

  • If You Could See Me Now – Recommendation

    If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you will know that I haven’t done a book recommendation for ages – largely because I normally only reccommend personal development books and I haven’t read anything ‘AMAZING’ for a while (lots of good stuff, but nothing astounding I just had to share). But I must…

  • Awaken Your Inner Tortoise

    On TED I found this talk from Carl Honore, the author of “In Praise of Slow” – one of my favourite books. If you are living life in the fast lane and finding it’s not as much fun as it used to be, watch this video! Let me know what you think – leave a…

  • Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

    I first read this book about 8 years ago, and since then it’s been sitting on my bookshelf gathering dust. After deciding to have a clearout of old books, I decided to read this again. And what a pleasant surprise it was. In general, I don’t do philosophies that are about ‘pushing yourself’ through anything,…

  • Napoleon Hill – Think And Grow Rich

    For years, people have been recommending this book to me. I half expected that it would not live up to the hype, but I’ve actually found it easier to read, and more enjoyable than I expected. The success principles detailed in the book are based on 25 years of research and the experience of over…

  • You Can Heal Your Life DVD – Recommended

    This DVD is one of my favourite examples of the law of attraction at work – after finding out my friend was battling cancer again, I decided to give her my copy of You Can Heal Your Life DVD. I also ordered another copy for myself, because I love this DVD. After a mix up…

  • Creating Money by Sanaya Roman

    Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer is a positive book about creating wealth – not just financial wealth, but happiness too. It shows the clear link between being relaxed and happy and enjoying your work, and money coming in. Their style is very gentle, encouraging, inspiring and along with the ideas they present,…

  • Feel Happy Now by Michael Neill

    Feel Happy Now by Michael Neill is an easy to digest, fun book about…happiness. Michael gives very specific exercises to up your happiness quota – my favourite being ’swimming with the en-dolphins’! This is a ridiculously easy exercise, which does not involve a trip to the sea, vast amounts of money or for you even…

  • The Astonishing Power of Emotion

    The Astonishing Power of Emotion by Esther and Jerry Hicks is the simplest book I have ever seen on using the Law of Attraction. If you don’t know this “Law”, it basically states that like attracts like, so if you are being positive, you attract good stuff (and largely feel good!). The way to tell…