Beach Card: Give and Receive

I am busy beavering away finishing the Beach Cards Companion Ebook, ready for the Beach Cards Launch next month, so rather than frazzle myself out writing new articles every week (and taking my focus away from the finishing touches), I have decided for the next few weeks to share a few of the cards. This is the card that came out this week:

Gorgeous Beach in Summertime

Is this card for you? Before you read the extra information on the card, what are your feelings about this card? What does it mean to you? Are you feeling balanced around giving and receiving?

Are you a give-give-giver? Or are you a take-take-taker? Do you find it easy to accept compliments, gifts, help? Or do you find it easy to give compliments, gifts, help? There is a beautiful balance between the two – if you give too much, you’ll start to feel resentful and exhausted; and if you just take, you miss out on the joy that comes with being generous. This balance isn’t linear – you might be giving to one person, but receiving back from another.​​​​​​​

Many people are good at giving, but absolutely rubbish at receiving. But you know that it feels so good to help and support and give to another person, so why would you deny them the joy of giving to you? It is not selfish to receive graciously, it is an act of generosity. Also, when you are a giving person, you need to receive to refill the well so you can give more and keep giving. Make sure you’ve got the balance right.

This card comes up to remind you to honour yourself – don’t give too much without receiving; to honour others – don’t take too much without giving; and also to honour others by receiving generously. Where do you feel unbalanced in the giving and receiving stakes? If you find it hard to receive, this card comes to remind you to practice receiving graciously. Allow your loved ones (and everyone you meet) the joy of giving, don’t keep it all to yourself!

Love Donna Blue 300px

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2 responses to “Beach Card: Give and Receive”

  1. Donnaonthebeach avatar

    So you know your homework right? PRACTICE asking!! xx

  2. Karen J avatar
    Karen J

    Ahh – I can receive okay enough, it’s the *asking* that really sticks for me!